
Welcome to the cyberspace home of Growth Associates Publishers, Educational Consultants; and information about the lectures, workshops and consulting by Rabbi Dr. Dov Peretz Elkins, world-renowned coauthor of The New York Times best-seller, Chicken Soup for the Jewish Soul.

Feel free to contact Rabbi Elkins personally to help you in your search by email [email protected].

 Featured Books! Jewish Bookstore

The friendship shaped jewish history truman Jacobson

The Friendship That Shaped Jewish History: Eddie Jacobson’s role in U.S. President Harry S. Truman’s Recognition of the new State of Israel

Few friendships in all of American Jewish history have been as impactful for Jews as the one between Eddie Jacobson and Harry S. Truman.  Dov Peretz Elkins ably recounts the story of that friendship and what it meant for the emerging state of Israel.  An inspiring story.– Jonathan D. Sarna, University Professor and Joseph H. & […]

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Bialik - front cover Dov

Bialik: Israel’s National Poet

In the eyes of many Jews, the great poet Hayyim Nahman Bialik opened wide the door to the modern era of Hebrew literature through his poetic style and expression of thought. In Bialik’s era, the mere mention of his name stirred the hearts of the Jewish nation. Rabbi Dov Peretz Elkins presents highlights from the […]

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Jewish Bookstore - GROWTH ASSOCIATES PUBLISHERS -Torah study


MOMENTS OF TRANSCENDENCE 5784/2023 is an annual supplement of inspiring stories, poems, midrashim to enrich conducting and participating in High Holiday worship. Ideal for rabbis who want to enliven services for Yamim Noraim. Annual Best-seller. Brand new for 5784/2023. Over 400 pages! Once purchased the item will be sent to you electronically via email. Buy […]

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A Treasury of Thoughts on Israel and Zionism

A Treasury of Thoughts on Israel and Zionism is a collection of facts, opinions, words of wisdom and commentary themed to the rights and responsibilities of the Jewish nation in today’s world. Rabbi Dov Peretz Elkins, the editor of this volume, has compiled material across 38 topics to develop this handy resource for speakers, writers, students, […]

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Chicken Soup for the Jewish Soul

Chicken Soup for the Jewish Soul

This collection is filled with stories that celebrate the joys, sorrows and challenges of being Jewish. Storytelling is a major component of the Jewish tradition, and this book honors that heritage. Some stories are timely and others are timeless; all are filled with heart-and, of course, love. In these pages you will discover the invincible […]

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